The location of each bus stops

  • Convenient bus stops close to the sightseeing attractions

  • Available from any bus stops


Click on the image for details.

  • 京都駅八条口 乗降場所マップ
  • 二条城 乗降場所マップ
  • 金閣寺 乗降場所マップ
  • 二条城前 乗降場所マップ
  • 京都駅八条口東 乗降場所マップ
  • 祇園・四条河原町 乗降場所マップ
  • 河原町御池 乗降場所マップ
  • 平安神宮・美術館 乗降場所マップ
  • 知恩院・円山公園 乗降場所マップ
  • 祇園・八坂神社 乗降場所マップ
  • 清水寺 乗降場所マップ
  • 伏見稲荷大社 乗降場所マップ
  • 東寺 乗降場所マップ


The starting point is Kyoto Station Hachijo exit that is convenient for transfer from Shinkansen.

※Hachi-jo exit is on the south side of the Kyoto station , NOT on the north side where the Kyoto Tower is.

※You can get on the bus from any bus stops.


Bus stop map(Kyoto Station, Hachijo Gate)

Bus stop map

Access from the pedestrian walkway

The bus stop is just in front of the escalator at the south end of the pedestrian walkway.

  • To the south end of the pedestrian walkway ”Hachijo West side”.

    To the south end of the pedestrian walkway "Hachijo West side".

  • To the right (west side) along the elevator guide display board.

    To the right (west side) along the elevator guide display board.

  • Take an escalator and go downstairs

    Take an escalator and go downstairs

  • In front of the escalator

    In front of the escalator

  • E1 bus stop

    E1 bus stop

From the entrance on the ground and subway station

The bus stop is a bit of the taxi stand and

  • To a crosswalk under the pedestrian walkway

    To a crosswalk under the pedestrian walkway

  • Cross the crosswalk

    Cross the crosswalk

  • Walk along the braille blocks and turn right

    Walk along the braille blocks and turn right

  • Go straight

    Go straight

  • E1 bus stops

    E1 bus stops